Captain Nate Porter and the crew of Sylfia begin their journey of 1500 nautical miles from Opua in the Bay of Islands in New Zealand to the South Pacific Island of Niue. Conditions are less than favorable as They left, but they need to ride on the tail of the low-pressure storm so they can get the winds that they need to make it far enough east. It can be humbling, frustrating, scary, dangerous ... but ultimately one of the most rewarding and satisfying endeavors they have ever undertaken.
Enjoy the incredible journey through Tonga, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Fiji, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, and many other islands in the South Pacific. Meet massive schools of sharks, humpback whales, turtles, exotic fishes... Explore caves, untouchable islands, shipwrecks, and many other unbelievable places.